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So., 26. Januar, 2025
StartInterviews"Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic!"

"Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic!"

Revathy gibt
ein Autogramm
(tg) Zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum des Indischen Filmfestivals Stuttgart, organisiert durch das Filmbüro Baden-Württemberg, haben wir vor Ort die Möglichkeit genutzt Produzenten und Schauspieler zu ihren Erfahrungen und Erlebnissen kurz zu befragen. Wie auch bei den letzten Festivals zuvor haben wir es uns auch dieses Jahr nicht nehmen lassen, die Interviewpartner zu bitten das Festival mit nur 3 Wörtern zu beschreiben. Auch der große Malluwood-Star und diesjähriges Jurymitglied Revathy stand uns Rede und Antwort!

UMA DA CUNHA, curator

You are here for the 10th time and accompanying the festival. This must be something special for you. So what is your feeling and experience this time and if you look back?
I think this festival is going on very well. It has made in ever since the local people are coming more to this festival. They love the Indian atmosphere and I think this festival is a very important purpose.
So how would you describe the festival with only three words?
India is good!

K. RAJESH, producer of ‚Chor Chor Super Chor‘

How did you like the festival? How was your experience and feeling about it?
It is a good feeling!
How would you describe the festival with only three words?
This festival is good for short films and it should continue like this for a long time.

VED PRAKASH, producer of ‚Chor Chor Super Chor‘

How did you like the festival? How is your feeling and experience about it? Is it your first time in Germany?
Germany is the second time I am here. But in Stuttgart it is the first time. And it is the second festival I’ve ever been to!
So what was your experience?Simple as it was made like in that way. I enjoyed it.

ASHOK RANE, producer of ‚Being with Apu‘

How did you like the festival, what was your experience here and how do you feel today?
I really enjoyed the festival. Especially because the way the people here at this festival accepted my cinema. People like me come from all over the world. We do have tremendous respect for the world cinema. And at the same level, when I come to Europe or to any other part of the world, many people talk about my cinema. And in such a wonderful festival, like the Stuttgart film festival, there is something I am really wowed by the whole gesture of the people here.
If you could describe the Indian film festival only in three words, what would you say?
A very good selection! That’s it.


So Therese, you are in Germany again for the 10th year…
Not really, it is the 6th year!
… so looking back to the last SIX years, what is your experience, what is your feeling?
I am very happy for coming here. Maybe something I would like to say is that I always had a wonderful time. And I don’t mean a wonderful time only for the films, it is also to enjoy getting in interaction with so many people I never met before at the festival.
How would you describe the festival with only three words?
Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic!

PARTHIBAN SHANMUGAM, producer of ‚A Letter to a Terrorist‘

How did you like the festival in Stuttgart? Was it your first time and how do you feel?
This is my very first time to Stuttgart, Germany. I have been to Germany, to Frankfurt and some other places, but Stuttgart is the first time. Although my film was played here in 2006, I didn’t come! And in 2008 my feature film was played, I couldn’t come! Thus, this is my first time and really love it! As a matter of fact, I am coming back to make a full feature film in Stuttgart.
That sounds good, so how are you today?
Happy! And waiting for the results, that makes me nervous.
How would you describe the Indian festival with only three words?
I have to repeat what Therese said. It’s „Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic!“ (laughing)

VIPIN SHARMA, actor in ‚Shahid‘ and ‚Calcutta Taxi‘

Vipin, how did you like the film festival? How are your feelings, what was your experience here as also your film was shown here?
Apart from my own film, I had the great chance to see the other films which sometimes you miss when being in India. You know there are so many Indian films and you miss them. So it is fantastic to come here to Stuttgart to watch those films which I missed in India. So it’s wonderful both ways, I can watch my own films and also watching other films. So it was really great, fantastic.
If you would describe this festival with only three words, what would you say?
Fantastic, fantastic and fantastic!

CHEERANJEEVI PEDAMALLU, producer of ‚Eega (The Fly)‘

Cheeranjeevi, how did you like the festival here? How do you feel, what was your expectation and what did you experience here at the film festival?
Well, it was a great experience to be here and initially I thought I’ll not going to make it. But then somehow I managed to squeeze in three days and came here. And after having come here, I realized that I did the right thing. The organization was very good, especially Oliver, Elisa and Katrin and the team members. They are really taking good care of us and they make sure that whatever program was scheduled has been carried out in the way it should be done. Really good!
If you would describe the film festival with only three words, what would these be?
A great festival!

REVATHY, actress and jury member

So we have Revathy here at the film festival. She is also in the jury. So what is your experience, how do you feel and with which expectations did you come to Stuttgart?
I was very well aware that it is a nice small festival. And Suhasini and Anjali Menon who have been part of the jury before talked to me about it and that’s the reason I came here. I am extremely happy and I feel good that Stuttgart truly is an Indian film festival because it just does not focus on Bollywood films like most people do all over the world. But it is really into Indian films because you have a lot of regional films and I am really happy about that. I think this festival is going to grow from strength to strength as I can see it.
If you would describe the festival with only three words. What would these be?
Very nice and personal. That’s what I would say about it.


And especially for our readers, each and every interview partner gave an autograph. says ‚Thank you!‘ for the enjoyable time during the interviews. Hope to see you all 2014 again in Stuttgart! 
Tomal K. Ganguly
Tomal K. Ganguly
Tomal Ganguly, Jg. 1983, ist stellvertretender Chefredakteur von Er ist zudem verantwortlich für den Bereich Marketing. Tomal studierte internationales Management an der Hochschule Esslingen und hält einen Masterabschluss an der Universität Liechtenstein. Tomal wohnt in München und ist Unternehmensberater für Blockchain und Smart Mobility.

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